Interesting way to search for photos that are "within Creative Commons-licensed content" and are available to add to wikis or websites without worrying about copyright infringements. I quickly found several photos of Javanese rod puppets like the one I picked up in Soho last year. I also liked Carol's Animoto demonstration for displaying River's Puppetry Club puppets on the Library Home page. However, when I tried to create a video from some random photos the video image was cut off on the right.
LOL - your avatar does look like you! If you want to insert the animoto into your blog, insert it in an article, not the sidebar, and it will not be cut off.
That's interesting ... thanks, Karen, let's see if I can figure that out! ;-{> I will try it later when there is a break. So much to do. I actually helped a friend create and attach his own animoto into his website last night. I need to get better photos for mine ... I was just testing it out yesterday.
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